Tuesday, September 1, 2009

back to the books

It's that time of the year again. The time when office supply stores, shopping malls, and local libraries experience an onslaught of back-to-schoolers and their guardians on the hunt for notebook paper value-packs, the latest and trendiest shoes, and the titles on their lists of required reading.

I'm personally a big fan of this time of year, and am happy to call myself a returning student. I recently began an MA program at Cal State Fullerton, and blithely made a check list of back-to-school to-do's. Fresh, college-ruled paper and Pilot Gel ink pens make a heavenly combination, in my eyes. There's something about the way the ink glides onto the paper; even taking notes can become magical. I realize that not all people share the same love of office supplies as I do, but I think everyone will admit that there's something in the air this time of year; the hustle and bustle of backpacks, teachers, and school buses stirs up a sense of change. In many ways, and to many people, September is the first month of the year, not January.

So, whether you're a parent to a kindergartner, a high school senior, or a graduate student like myself, happy September! Hope it's a productive, joyous year for all of us.

"I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."
(Tom Hanks in
You've Got Mail)


On my iPod: The Union Line's Mama Don't Care

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