Remember TGIF? No one had to ask, "What are you doing this weekend?," because everyone already knew what they were doing: going home, microwaving some popcorn, and finally plopping down on the couch for 4 hours of quality television entertainment. The line up: Full House, Step by Step, Boy Meets World, and then the cursed 10pm spot that seemed to change monthly (remember Teen Angel?). That Cory Matthews and his post-pubescent problems - wasn't he a laugh? Nowadays we don't have that luxury. Hours of planning with friends, phone-tag with every contact in your address book, a couple of tense exchanges of words and a few flow charts later and all you've got to show for it is a mediocre plan for your Friday night and a potential divorce with your BFF on your hands.
Well it just so happens that this weekend, The Gazette Design Team, under a rare turn of events, has a slew of exciting events - one of which is sure to grab your attention.

1. Friday - The Shys at The OC Tavern: To all of you who read my post a few weeks ago about their acoustic set, it's no secret by now that I love these guys. It's rock and roll in it's purest, grittiest, form, like a diamond before it's milled into cookie cutter perfection. The thing I dislike about pop in general (some pop excluded) is that over-produced sound. No one likes perfection. Think back to that girl in highschool. You know - the pretty, nice, popular,smart, AND athletic one? We all knew we had no reason to hate her. I mean, she really was nice. But perfection like that is just annoying. Which is why I love The Shys - shrieks, growls, strained notes and all - they embody an energy and emotion that makes them SO much more amazing than sugarcoated perfection. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you just need to experience it, because that's what it is - an experience.

2. Saturday - Angels vs. Oakland A's: AL West Coast Champs anyone!? Watch the Angels take on our neighbors to the north. The Angels have some of the most reasonable ticket prices in all of baseball - which is good for us since everyone's trying to save pennies these days. You can get seats as cheap as 5 bucks - and they're really close to the fireworks if not home plate.

3. Sunday - Anaheim Ducks vs. The Kings: We will definitely be here enjoying a plush suite thanks to one of our favorite business partners, Carlos, who was so gracious to give them to us. I haven't been to a hockey game since my days as a youngster in Syracuse, NY when we used to go to see the Crunchmen play every week. I haven't seen a fight in a long time so now's my chance! I think I'll bust out my Mighty Ducks movies, with a young Joshua Jackson and Emelio Estevez, to get excited. Nothing gets me pumped up like an inspirational Disney sports flick!
So put away your fists, give your texting thumbs a break and consider these options before you and your bestie end up the next guests on Tyra's "How I lost my Best Friend to Friday Night Plans" show. Say hi if you see us there!
- Amy
On My iPod: Electric Soft Parade's Why Do You Try So Hard To Hate Me?
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