As I was meandering the twinkle lit hallways of the Irvine Spectrum last night with some friends, a window display stopped me right in my tracks. And here is what I saw:
YEAH. My teendom dreams are coming true; I have the chance to meet WEEZER! Of all the places I thought God might smile down and intervene to arrange such a meeting, Tilly's at the Irvine Spectrum is the last. To me Rivers Cuomo, the quirky - and aforetimes reclusive - frontman of Weezer, seems the type that would stage such a signing in an old record store or somewhere off-the-wall like a hole in the wall mexican joint in L.A. But getting my Weezer album in the air conditioned comfort of Tilly's will be just fine. It's Weezer for Pete's sake.
I've become one of those people who thinks everything was better when they were young, thus I maintain that nothing meets the glory days of The Blue Album. There is no denying the catchy tunes these guys manage to keep pumping out, though. The new single "(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To", makes me crank up my radio and sing shamelessly - and pitchlessly - just like I did to the old classics, "My Name Is Jonas", "Buddy Holly" and "Say It Ain't So." There's no high like singing so loud you get lightheaded and dizzy. And I hope Raditude will give me plenty of that. I can't lie. After I heard "Pork and Beans" (one of my least favorite Weezer songs, although undeniably catchy in it's own right) for the first time on the radio, I was wondering if Weezer should call it a day. But this new single has me whistling a new tune. So Rivers, if you're wondering if I want you to, I want you to.
Here's "the deets" (teenage slang for the details according to my co-worker's little sister): You have to buy Weezer's new album, Raditude, at Tilly's between 10 am on November 3rd and 4pm on November 6th so that you can get a wristband that will get you into the signing. Here's where it get's tricky and you really have to weigh your options: On Weezer's website there are some pretty amazing package deals. For a mere $50 you can get the Raditude Standard Edition CD + an Exclusive blue Weezer Snuggie. Don't know what a Snuggie is?
Above is a photo of Rivers Cuomo proudly sporting his. There is also a package for $50 in which you can get the DELUXE edition of Raditude, A Weezer Photo Album, and a ZEBRA patterned exclusive Weezer Snuggie. Tough decision, isn't it? I trust you to make the right one though. I've made mine and it involves me, my Canon Rebel XT, and four handsome fellows.
- Amy
On my iPod: Weezer's "Say It Ain't So"
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