Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why Janice Arrington Loves OC


Our next installment of a month-long love letter to Orange County (entitled Why We Love OC) spotlights Janice Arrington, the woman who has single-handedly been heading up the OC Film Commission for over ten years. The OC Film Commission serves to facilitate filming and media production throughout our county. There's been quite a lot of filming in Orange County over the last several years-- from commercials to television episodics to blockbuster films like Iron Man, Transformers, and Ocean's 11, Janice has been the bridge between Hollywood directors and OC film spots. She was also kind enough to give us an inside look for our article on the History of Film in Orange County in this month's issue of The Gazette Magazine. 

Here's what Janice had to say about our lovely county:

“What awes me most about Orange County is its sheer physical beauty.  There is an openness—the sweep of the beaches, rolling hills, wide streets in front of shining buildings.  It is very beautiful and diverse.  That’s what also makes it a great place to film and photograph.”
-Janice Arrington, Orange County Film Commissioner
Stay tuned for more love letters from your favorite local celebs, professionals, athletes and more right here at The OC Gazette blog!

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