Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Maxim Eshkenazy loves OC

To cap off the week I bring you another installment of our Why We Love OC special featuring Maxim Eshkenazy, Pacific Symphony's Assistant Conductor. With the growing young generation of conductors (Gustavo Dudamel anyone?), Maxim is fast separating himself as a rising star. The LA Times called him "charistmatic and exciting." How many symphonic conductors can you say that about? There's nothing like throwing passion and a young spirit into such an age old classic entertainment as a symphony. Without further ado, I present to you Maxim Eshkenazy on why HE loves Orange County:

"I'm originally from Bulgaria--so O.C. is my new musical home--and I love it.Even the name is musical: "Ohhhh C!" The C is like the music note C, you see. I love my new musical family at Pacific Symphony where I have the great privilege to lead amazing musicians playing the greatest music ever written. I also love the not-so-bad traffic conditions and I especially enjoy living close to the ocean. What's not to love?"

- Maxim EshkenazyPacific Symphony's Assistant Conductor


  1. I met and interviewed Maxim recently when he was conducting the SAUSD Honor Orchestra at the Bill Medley Auditorium at Santa Ana High. He was absolutely genuine in his commitment to these young musicians and showed the students immediately that he knew they could perform better...and they did. By setting his expectations high, he caused these students from many different Santa Ana high school music programs to join as one coherent orchestra with very little practice time. When trying to explain subtle changes that were required, he would use the violin of the first chair violinist/concert master or first chair cellist and demonstrate exactly what he wanted them to do. I was very impressed and the parents who came to see the concert the next day were blown away by the professionalism he coaxed from their students. It will be an unforgetable experience for the young musicians of Santa Ana...future patrons of the arts here.
    -Jeff Gothard
    SAUSD-TV Channel 31

  2. I met and interviewed Maxim recently when he was conducting the SAUSD Honor Orchestra at the Bill Medley Auditorium at Santa Ana High. He was absolutely genuine in his commitment to these young musicians and showed the students immediately that he knew they could perform better bracelet wholesale uk , initial necklace canada ,
