Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are you out of the music loop?

Do you feel like you're losing touch with the current music scene? Like you're listening to the same old heard-it-a-million-times, mixed-taped-it-a-thousand-times songs that you were obsessed with in college? Like you're musical repertory stopped once you got roped into that 9-5 go-to-bed-early-and-rise-before-the-hens work schedule? It happens to seemingly helpless victims across our nation every day. But have no fear, your S.O.S taps, smoke signals and cries from the well have been heard!

Here are some solutions to your squaller in stagnant sound:

RCRDLBL.COM ||| RCRDLBL is a network of ad supported online record labels and blogs offering completely free music and multimedia content from artists you know and love as well as emerging artists you will soon love.* You can sign up for RCRDLBL's e-newsletter and have delivered to your email inbox all the updates on the latest free songs and even free albums that you can download. Oh yeah, and a great perk: it's legal. Theirs "is a site dedicated to legally discovering and sharing music."

Another easy way to keep track of all the new free music is to add them on facebook (see here) to get updates on latest free media downloads. It's awesome. Check out our live feed widget of's free downloads on the right side of our blog.

*The OC Gazette cannot guarantee you will love this music. But just keep an open mind alright?

TODAYS TOP TUNE ||| Today's Top Tune is a free song a day from KCRW's all Music Channel, a self-proclaimed eclectic mix of tons of great music genres. Tracks selected as "Today's Top Tune" are plucked from recent and upcoming releases as well as from among the live sessions hosted on the Morning Becomes Eclectic radio station.
Each song is available for download and podcast through a variety of means: (a) iTunes (b) podcast (c) or even delivered to your e-mail inbox (you can sign-up here). 

BLIP.FM ||| is an online forum where you can play desk jockey and channel your inner Carson Daly or Uncle Joe Benson (My personal fave was former radio station Indie 103.1's Steve Jones and Joe Escalante). The question is: do you trust your own taste? Well if you do, create a DJ username (preferably a funny derivative of your name: mine is the_good_hood. Don't judge me if you listen to my station. Some of it is hit or miss, but hey, it gets me through the day). Once you have a profile, you can search your favorite songs through the site and post songs with your own commentary. Once you start "blipping" (the act of playing music via, other online DJs who have similar tastes to yours will be recommended to you so that you can discover new music along your comfort lane.

OSCENE ||| Head on over to Laguna Museum of Art to check out some more localized musical selections. The participants and nominees from this years OC Music Awards (see our coverage here) are featured on a newfangled "listening booth" where you can sample their sounds.

If these all fail you, try the old fallback: patron a local bar that hosts local music nights. My personal haunt: The Gypsy Lounge

Cheers, friends.
On my iPod: The Roots's "The Seed"

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