Thursday, May 6, 2010

Underwater Portrait Photographer: Brandon Kuhn

Brandon Kuhn is the man. His photos attest to this fact. He does it all: product shots, food shots, portraits, weddings, commercial portraits, architecture shots, and my personal fave - underwater portraits. That's right, you can channel your inner Jacques Cousteau, Steve Zissou, or Little Mermaid, jump in, and Brandon will do the rest of the sub-marine magic.

 Brandon Kuhn is a 2007 Brooks Institute of Photography graduate. He's been a Traveling Wilbury for most of his life, always interested in exploring and discovering the lands outside his own backyard. His travels have taken him in a connect-the-dots constellation of stops ranging from nooks and crannies of the US, to the dunes of the Middle East, to the blue heaven of the deep ocean. Currently a resident of San Clemente, we at The OC Gazette have had the joy of working with him in recent months. Besides being a cool/nice guy in general, he's talented to a fault. (It makes us jealous. And that makes us feel guilty. Stop it, Brandon.)

Brandon can be hired to spruce up what would otherwise be an average/ordinary/expected photo of you/your about-to-graduate offspring/your mother/your family/your product, and make it freakin' BA (that's a phrase used in photographic circles that loosely translates as "Really Beautiful and Awesome").

You can contact Brandon for your next photo-op at 949-366-6685 or email him at
If you mention The OC Gazette, you get 20% off your portrait!
Call for details.
Check out more of his amazing work here:
Or if you're too lazy to click, just scroll down (which is actually more work. No pain no gain, buddy).






Does anyone else need a drink now?
On my iPod: The Felice Brothers "Roll On Arte"

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