Thursday, July 8, 2010

4 TO DOs ranging from “Classy” to “TMZ-Status Entertainment”

There are a lot of exciting “to dos” coming up. So tie a ribbon around your finger, or break out the post-it-note reminders on your bathroom mirror/iMac/fridge/or forehead. The following list of events is compiled in a hierarchy starting at  “classy and inspired”, and ending at “TMZ-Status Entertainment.” Choose your level.

Lecture: Remembering Vintage Fashion
Wednesday July 14, 2010, at 1:30 PM… for FREE!

Fashion is one of the most interesting ear markers of social change. The Enlightenment spurred Europeans to can the powdered wigs, much like Kurt Cobain singlehandedly (overstatement) spurred a whole generation to ditch the shoulder pads for grungified flannel. Dig into the cultural movements behind fashion.
Suzanne Snyder, Docent, Bowers Museum, will present a beautiful selection of outfits, costumes and suits ranging from 1900 to the 1960s—such as flapper dresses, poodle skirts, Jackie O. pillbox hats and everything in between.

Bowers Museum
2002 N.Main Street
Santa Ana, Ca 92706

Dead Poets Society
Directed by Peter Weir • (1989, USA, 129 minutes) • Rated PG
Tonight, July 8, 2010 • 7:00 pm at Lucille Kuehn Auditorium (Humanities Instructional Building, Room 100) (Building #610 on campus map).
Free snacks and group discussion afterwards.

Tonight UC Irvine’s Free Summer Film Series continues on their movie theme of “Teach and Resist (which makes me wonder where Dangerous Minds is?!). Tonight’s  showing is possibly the most inspiring teach-goes-off-the-reservation film: Dead Poets Society, in which John Keating takes his classes outside, gives his lectures from desktops (the wood ones, not the word-processing ones), tears apart the textbooks (every student’s dream), and spurs intellectual rebellion among his students. You’ll leave the movie wanting to get “Carpe Diem” tattooed on your bicep.

Block Party: an Indie Arts and Crafts Show
Saturday, July 10, 2010 from 11am-5pm at the Fiesta Marketplace (4th and N. Bush St. Santa Ana, Ca 92701).

The Handmade Brigade of Orange County, a cavalry of Etsy artists and crafty business folk with a heart for pumping all things local, are arranging another exciting indie arts and crafts show: Block Party. Expect to find live music, live art, food, over 50 independent designers and for the first 50 guests to arrive – free swag bags filled with handmade goodies. You'll feast your eyes on handmade screen-prints, swag, posters, art, stationary, jewelry and much more.

Get Free tickets to the Comedy Central Roast of David Hasselhoff           
August 01, 2010 (Sunday) @ 5:30 PM, Culver City (worth the drive?)

David Hasslehoff on the event: "I'm honored that Comedy Central is going to get 'Hoff' on me," said David Hasselhoff. "I have always been a major fan of Roasts, dating back to the days of the 'Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.' Laughter is the best medicine. Bring it on! I’m ready to take the heat."

Elizabeth Porter, Comedy Central's Senior Vice President of Specials and Talent, on the event: "By the end of this year's roast, this pop culture icon will surely see that no slow motion run or life preserver can save him."
It’s time to hassle The Hoff. Submit for your free ticket here.

On My iPod: Peter Gabriel "The Book of Love"


  1. That's the most intense picture of the Hoff I've ever seen.

  2. Pretty terrifying, isn't it? Almost as terrifying of the posters with him holding the litter of kittens in nothing but a speedo. *Full body shudder*

  3. Ahhhh! Your subtitles are off the hook!
