Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day Deal

Today is Veteran's Day, the annual federal holiday when we honor the men and women who have served our great nation in any war. Do you know a veteran? Are you a veteran? We appreciate your service all days of the year, and stop and honor you today. Why today? Why November 11th? As some of you know, at 11am on November 11th, 1918, an armistice - or ceasing of hostilities- was declared between the Allied nations and Germany during WWI. The following year, the day was honored once again, under the moniker "Armistice Day." The day became a federal holiday in 1938, and after WWII and the Korean War, the day was called "Veteran's Day" to honor American veterans of all wars. Read more about the history of Veteran's Day on

Today we say thank you, veterans! Not all of us are made of the same rugged, nation-defending DNA, so we applaud your heroic efforts and your dedication to making our country the freedom-loving nation it is.

That being said, I encourage the rest of our readers to do their part in supporting a vet! There are plenty of businesses owned and operated by U.S. vets that you can support. One of our beloved clients in the OCG is one such business:
Beach Cities Computer is owned and operated by Toby Sanford, a U.S. Navy Veteran with over 20 years of experience with computer repair and maintenance. Toby is a Microsoft Certified Professional, has an Associates Degree in Information Technology (that's the I.T. in "Call our I.T. guy, stat!"), and proudly serves all of Orange County. Beach Cities Computer offers on-site or remote computer service, computer upgrades and repair, security checks and installation, backups, wireless networking, and much more.

If you've got a heart for veterans or a finicky computer (or both!), call Beach Cities Computer!  And guess what?  

Mention The OC Gazette and you'll get 20% off your first job!*

Call or email today for a FREE consultation!

Find and follow Beach Cities on Facebook by clicking here.
*Offer for new clients only. Expires November 30th, 2010. Check the December issue of The OC Gazette for another great offer for first time clients!

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