With Thanksgiving and Black Friday safely behind us, it's starting to look a lot like Christmas. The aroma of pine draws us to Boy Scout run tree lots, Starbucks is stocked with Cranberry Bliss Bars, houses are strung with festive bought-on-sale-at-Target lights, peppermint is flying off candy store shelves and Santa has checked his list twice. There is plenty to do in Orange County at this time of year to get in the holiday spirit. The Gazette highlights a few of these special local December treats in our current issue, which is available at over 70 locations. Click here to get your own FREE printed copy or here to read the magazine online.
One of our favorite local end-of-year traditions is the annual performance of A Christmas Carol at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa. This month we feature a story on the artist behind Scrooge: Hal Landon Jr.. This year marks his 30th year playing the legendary role. Our dear friend and writer Lisa Birle chatted with Hal over coffee and shares his personal insight with us. Also, our close personal friend Caroline Landon comments on her holiday experience as the daughter of the cherished local celebrity. Read his story here.

Tickets to the performance are selling fast, so be sure to get yours today! Take an evening drive up the 405, tune the radio to KOST 103.5 FM, stop at Starbucks for a gingerbread latte (get the whipped cream, it's a special occasion), park at South Coast Plaza near the bridge in front of Claim Jumper, admire the holiday decor and twinkly lights, breathe in the crisp night air, enjoy a short walk over to the venue and as the lights dim and the curtains rise, delight yourself in this jubilant performance.
- Sara
Listening to Louis Armstrong's "Shine"
I'm a big fan of the Gingerbread loaf at Starbuck's..........mmmmm!