Orange County, have we told you lately that we love you? No, really. We love you. We love your beaches, your endless opportunities for entertainment, your 10 months of 75 degree weather, your native plants and animals (from the desert succulent to the mountain lion), the old missions, the new shopping centers, the year-round swap meets, the annual fairs, the way you trick the rest of the nation into thinking we're nothing but Luis Vuitton purse-toting, vanilla latte-drinking, 85 mph sports car-driving, shopaholics (we're so much more than that). There is so much to love about you, Orange County-which leads me to the following shameless promotion.
Have you added Orange County Daily Photo to your RSS yet? Orange County Daily Photo is a site that posts pictures of Orange County (all around Orange County) to offer you a much-needed daily dose of all the sights you'd hope to see, and that you never knew existed in the county.
Seven Orange County photographers post photos- one each day of the week- of a new, unique, beautiful, or intriguing look at OC. Could it get any better than that?
I call this a shameless promotion due to the fact that I'm one of the seven photographers who help fuel the site (and I still feel very lucky to have been asked). But I wouldn't be gallavanting around about it if I weren't proud of it, and I am!
So. If you would like to see a new photo every day, add Orange County Daily Photo to your RSS feed/bloglines/blog roll/list of sites you regularly check!
on my itunes: The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up"
(Amy said I sing this song every day. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is catchy, in my defense)
it feels like everyday there is some conversation or situation that always ends with you referencing that song and then all of us singing it in turn hahaha!