Orange County definitely has it's own style. We have our own everything, really. We march to the beat of our own drum. What other city do you know of with more television or reality shows based on it? We have to be up there with New York City thanks to the loveable music nerd Seth Cohen of The O.C. (R.I.P.) and the obnoxious yet entertaining Speidi Pratt of Laguna Beach and The Hills. [See Fig 1] Why are we so intriguing to the rest of the world? Because we are unlike any other place. Our economy is unlike any other (reality TV and professional surfing being viable careers), our weather is unlike anywhere else (it's November and it's in the high 70's outside right now), and our fashion scene is unlike any other, drawing from art, the endless summer beach lifestyle, music, current affairs, politics, and the whole counter culture of surf, skate, and snow. Where else can you find kids running around with Vans sneaks, Seven jeans, a Che Guevara tee, and neon throwback raybans on? Or girls dressed in Coach boots, a Hurley skirt, Ramones tee, Marc Jacobs bag and Burberry shades? Orange County, that's where.
[Fig 1] Left: Seth Cohen, Right: Spencer and Heidi Pratt
It's a glorious hodgepodge. One that I love. Before moving back to Orange County I spent about five years in Bowling Green, KY where your shopping options were American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch. I remember when they got an Aeropostale and a Hollister at the Bowling Green mall. People went out of their minds. "New Stores! Variety!" they said. Am I crazy or are all those stores exactly the same? I think it's a big cover up. [See Fig 2] I can see the criminal masterminds in their factory now, mass producing navy and white striped polos, "We'll just switch the tags and no one will ever know! [enter sinister laugh here]" Maybe it's the heavy dance beat and cologne that seems to permeate from each store that has me disoriented. Whatever the case is, I believe it is why I love Orange County fashion so much. Originality, fearlessness, designer and surf threads coming together to make something beautiful.
[Fig 2] Can you tell which is which? Me neither
Coco Chanel said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." And in Orange County right now, the sky is blue, the streets are bustling, ideas are flowing, and life is happening as it does like nowhere else but right here.
Hurley Holiday Warehouse Sale!
When: November 12 -15, 2009
Thursday and Friday 12:00-8:00pm
and Satrday 9:00am-3:00pm
Where: 2323 Main Street, Irvine, CA 92614
Click on the photo above for more info!
(Thanks to our lovely fashion columnist Malia Hill for the heads up on this one.)
- Amy
On my iPod: Nico's "These Days" (If you haven't heard it, download it, and then google the green bus scene from Wes Anderson's film The Royal Tenenbaums.)
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